Although I know deep down in my head that I have everything packed, I still lie awake pondering whether I really have everything I need or not. My aunt Judy Steffes and I are leaving tomorrow morning at 8 am sharp on a three week biking adventure around the Great Lakes. This tour is going to be starting from Milwaukee, Wisconsin and are relying on only paper maps and local natives wisdom on directions.This year, following a request from Bike Friendly West Bend, the tour will raise money for a rickshaw bicycle to be donated to The Samaritan Home in West Bend.The bicycles cost about $10,000 and they allow seniors to be able to enjoy the exhilaration of bicycling again.
Example of Rickshaw
Along with biking, we also carry all of our things including a tent and sleeping bag. Even though my aunt is very experienced and has been doing these tours for a long time now, I feel as though I am decently fit and will be able to keep up just fine. We have done a couple of practice rides and we seem to work together decently so lets see how it goes!