Today was an interesting day. Judy and I rode from my house to hers which ended up being almost a 40 mile ride. There were some interesting challenges but we are improving on working together. An example of this was having our first crash. We were at the top of a hill and Judy told me that we were stopping to go into the shade. I was not ready at all for this at this particular moment. Basically I was very close behind her when she turned, her back wheel hit my front and I fell to the left. Luckily nothing was injured. My hand, arm, and hip were a bit scraped and sore but that wasn’t a big deal. This incident ended up being a positive because I learned that I need to give her space when I ride no matter what because strange things can happen.

When we arrived in her town we ran a few errands regarding the tour one of which included visiting the Samaritan Home where all of the donations are going. You are still able to donate and it is a 501c3 which means that it is tax deductible.
I also said my final goodbyes to my mother and grandparents and tomorrow morning we are heading out for the first actual day of the tour. Hopefully there’s lots of adventure. I can’t wait!